Nordbygg 2024 for Svedbergs

Modular Masterpiece: Innovative Stand for
Svedbergs at Nordbygg 2024

Building on our previous retail concept, the stand was designed with modularity in mind. The walls and tables, constructed as 'lego' pieces, can be easily disassembled and reassembled for use at other fairs. This sustainable approach ensures that the design remains flexible and reusable. Once the design was finalized, our construction partner; Craft Expo, skillfully executed the assembly, bringing our vision to life.

For Nordbygg 2024, Svedbergs Bathrooms once again partnered with Johan Ronnestam Creative Studio to design their event space. This year's stand, designed in collaboration with Craft Expo, was led by Creative Director and Designer Johan Ronnestam, with project management by Kicki Ljungviken. Working closely with the in-house marketing team at Svedbergs, we crafted an architectural space that epitomizes balance, intrigue, and monumentality.